Sunday 17 June 2018

Spellings and Reading Books

Hi All,

I hope you are all having a fantastic holiday.

It seems this week that Year 6 are under the impression that because SAT's are over that we have stopped learning things in our classroom. Please believe me when I say this is not the case.

We are still doing Maths, English, Science, RE and Topic until the end of the year. We no longer send home homework in their books in order for your children to learn their lines for the production; however, we are still looking at reading books and continuing with spelling tests.

With the minimal amount of children doing well in spellings this week and hardly any reading books coming back to school I felt that this was something we needed to promote.

Please encourage your children to read at home and practice their spellings:

This weeks are:

Looking forward to our walk up Darwen Tower this week, see you all tomorrow. 

Any child who brings back their reading book read this week signed and tells me they 'Love to Read' will receive an extra reward on Friday. 

Miss Rawlings